She graduated in animated film from the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts, Bratislava, where she currently teaches.

Her master’s degree film LIONARDO MIO (2005) gained an award at the Bologna European Festival of Film Schools. She won twelve domestic and international awards for her début film FOUR (Štyri, 2007). She took part in the production of the animated musical Stones (Kamene, 2010) by director Katarína Kerekesová. Together with her, she also created an educational film for the Slovak National Museum called HOW I WENT WITH GRANDPA TO VISIT THE ANCESTORS (Ako som šiel s dedkom na návštevu k predkom, 2010).

2013 Snow, short
2010 How I Went with Grandpa to Visit the Ancestors, short
2007 Four, short
2005 Lionardo Mio, short
2001 My Love, short