After graduating from the Faculty of Theatre & Television of Babes Bolyai University, Romania with a 4 year BA in film, she continued her MA at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art, Budapest directing several shorts which travelled the European festival circuit. She graduated in 2012/2013, directing CARRY ME AWAY. Based on that work, Cristina was selected among two other filmmakers for a one month residency at the Sarajevo City of Film, where her most recent short film was produced and shot.

HOLIDAY AT THE SEASIDE premiered in Sarajevo in August 2013, winning the “Atlantic Group” grand prize for best short film. She is developing OPENING, a short film focusing on a young transsexual working in a sex chat, as an operator, which gives him not only a chance to earn easy money, but to practice what he wants to become: a woman. OPENING is nominated for the 2014 Film Prize Germany/Eastern Europe by the Robert Bosch Foundation, and was also selected for the European Short Pitch, organized by NisiMasa.

On the long term, she is working on a first feature film project, A COAT OF GOLD telling the story of a woman diagnosed with breast cancer who refuses surgery. On a commercial side, I’ve worked on a variety of commissioned works from clips showcasing United Nation’s work, to book trailers and classical advertisement clips. I work in the advertising industry in Budapest.

2013 Holiday at the Seaside, short
2009 Express Delivery Service, short