Born in 1976. Director, animation and producer. He is a self-taught artist. He left architecture studies to make films. His first student film Rain won several local awards in 1998 and became an entry pass to Platige Image studio, where he currently works as an Art Director. From 1999 to 2002 he worked, with short intervals, on his debut short film THE CATHEDRAL. The film won the first prize for Best Animated Short at the largest animation and special effects festival SIGGRAPH in 2002 and it was nominated a year later for an Academy Award in the category Animated Short Film.

In 2004 he completed his second short animated film entitled FALLEN ART. He won the Jury prize at SIGGRAPH festival in 2005 and became the first person in the history of the festival to have won both main prizes. The confirmation of the success of both The Cathedral and Fallen Art are numerous awards and the films’ screenings at tens of international festivals. He received the BAFTA Film Award for Best Short Animation.

When not working on his own projects he produces special effects and animations for film and advertising productions. He is also no stranger to theatre productions. He is the director of, among others, a virtual set for a commemorative concert of Krzysztof Penderecki entitled Seven Gates of Jerusalem which was the basis for a musical-ballet film nominated by the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for Emmy Award 2009. He currently prepares the realization of his first feature-length film HARDKOR 44.

2010 The Kinematograph, short
2010 Animated History of Poland, short
2004 Fallen Art, short
2002 The Cathedral, short