Directed by Sarah Miro Fischer
Germany, Spain | 2025 | 97 min | drama | German
Rose has a close bond with her much loved older brother Sam. When a woman accuses Sam of rape, Rose is asked to testify in an investigation against him. This is a test for both their relationship and her moral integrity.
Director: Sarah Miro Fischer
Screenwriters: Sarah Miro Fischer,Agnes Maagaard Petersen
DOP: Selma von Polheim Gravesen
Production Design: Alina Dunker
Costume Design: Polina Shpazhnikova
Sound design: Jakob Mäsel
Editor: Elena Weihe
Music / Composer: FrancescoLo Giudice
Cast: Marie Bloching, Anton Weil, Proschat Madani, Laura Balzer, Jane Chirwa, Aram Tafreshian, David Vormweg
Produced by: the German Film and Television Academy Berlin GmbH (DFFB), Arkanum Pictures (Nina Bayer-Seel, Janna Fodor)
Co-produced by: Arkanum Pictures (Lukas Koll, Sebastian Herbst), Sarah Miro, RBB, Nephilim Producciones (Luis Collar, Jorge Moreno)
With financial support of: Medienboard, Young Talent Foundation Berlin
press quotes
“This accomplished feature debut takes an intimate look at conflicted allegiances.”
“The picture draws much of its power from Bloching’s magnetic, intuitive work in the central role.”
“The Good Sister should be warmly received at further festivals and will serve as a persuasive calling card for Fischer going forward.”
CINEUROPA: Review: The Good Sister – By Olivia Popp
“Sarah Miro Fischer delivers a well-executed debut feature on the internal and external turmoil that plays out when one close to you is accused of something terrible.”
“Sarah Miro Fischer jumps directly into the 75th Berlinale’s prized Panorama sidebar with a steady, relevant drama – her self-assured DFFB graduation film.”
“DoP Selma von Polheim Gravsen brings to the table a balance between steady and handheld camera that conveys the conflicted emotional state of our protagonist, played by a sometimes bubbly and sometimes fraught, but perpetually nuanced, Bloching.”
UNIVERSAL CINEMA (CA): Berlinale 2025 | The Good Sister – Universal Cinema – By Ester Bovard
“The Good Sister, an intimate and compelling debut feature.”
“Thanks to Fischer’s extended rehearsal process, and impressively realized performances from every actor who appears in the film, the comfort and intimacy between the characters feels lived in and entirely genuine.”
“Powerfully, Fischer Illuminates the far-reaching complexity of such matters for each and every one of us, daring us to interrogate ourselves as to what choices we would make if put into the same situation.”