Director Kamil Polak studied classical music, ballet and painting at the College of Fine Arts in Warsaw, and excelled in all these disciplines. His love of story-telling brought him to film-making, and in animation he has found the opportunity to combine his classical training in drawing and painting with his love of music and rhythm, and to bring these together in one dramatic narrative. He studied directing at the world-renowned Łódź Film School.

His film INSIDE is on the all-time great films reel of the School, and his film BIRTH OF A NATION won the 2nd prize at the Wiesbaden International Festival and has been widely sold to international television. He developed THE LOST TOWN OF ŚWITEŹ during his graduation year. Kamil was the Visual Effects Supervisor on “Peter & the Wolf”, a £ 2.5 million stop-frame animation for Channel 4 and for the big screen accompanied by live orchestra.

2010 The Lost Town of Świteź, animated short
2003 In, animated short
2001 Birth of a Nation, animated short