Born in 1983. A graduate of the Lodz Film School. His first-year film THE AIM (2005) received an honourable award for artistic virtue at the International Animated Film Festival ReAnimacja in Lodz and the first prize at Dozwolone do 21 lat (No Children above 21) film festival in Tarnow. His second-year film GREAT ESCAPE was screened during numerous international film festivals.

His latest film PATHS OF HATE (2010), whose simplified version constituted his diploma project at Lodz Film School, will soon enter festival circulation. He is a specialist in various fields relating to computer graphics and the author of short animated films, illustrations and concept art. He currently works at Platige Image Film Studio where he directs, creates animation, edits and works on a widely-conceived 3-D graphics.

2010 Paths of Hate, animated short
2010 City of Ruins, animated short
2006 Great Escape, animated short
2004 The Aim, animated short