Born in 1986 in Trzebież, Poland. He made his first films FRUSTRATU:HERZLEID (2004) and LIFE 1.0 (2006) at the art school in Szczecin, before he started studying animation at the renowned film school in Lodz in 2007. In 2011, he signed up for the parallel study of scriptwriting at the same school. ZIEGENORT is his graduation film.

2012 Zigenort, animated short
2009 Martwe pole, animated short
2009 Rewolucja W Chronopolis: 64 złote kule i jedno klaśniecie, animated short
2008 1000 wiader wody, animated short
2008 Auge, animated short
2006 Życie 1.0, animated short
2004 Frustratu:Herzleid, animated short